Professional Projects

All of these projects are developed by myself. They use custom code and freely available development libraries. If you have any questions about them, send me a email.

NoticeWare Reporter Mobile and Desktop

On-site reporting software

NoticeWare Reporter Desktop is a Netbeans Rich Client Platform based software package. The product is written in Java and utilizes H2 Database engine and various other libraries. Development is conducted in the Netbeans IDE and Mercurial is used for RC. Previously, the product was based on the Swing Application Framework.

The Netbeans RCP is a very robust platform. But in retrospect, I would not use it again. Development with it involves removing features, rather than adding them, which can lead to unexpected consequences. As well, being a very mature platform, there is a large number of undocumented legacy code issues, which can require some creative coding to work around.

To view all the features see: Desktop Features

To find out more about the product, please visit NoticeWare Reporter

NoticeWare Reporter Mobile is a native Java based Android application. This application acts as a core library for most of NoticeWare's current Android offerings.

The app utilizes H2 Database engine and various other libraries. It features information capture via various means, photo markup and sketching. It also allows for the on-site production of a report in PDF format and the ability to send it to the client.

View all the features at: Mobile Features

To see all the apps, please visit: NoticeWare on Google Play

NoticeWare Corporation